
雷诺和敏实成立合资公司 在法国生产电动汽车电池盒

Boulogne-Billancourt and Jiaxing, Zhejiang, June 20, 2022 – Renault Group, a major player in the automotive industry, and Minth Group, one of the leading global automotive suppliers, announce the signature of a memorandum of understanding for the creation of a joint venture to produce battery casings, based in France. The joint venture will locate this high-tech activity at the Ruitz plant in Renault ElectriCity and will supply ElectriCity Douai and Maubeuge plants.
6月20日,敏实集团(Minth Group)与法国汽车制造商雷诺集团(Renault Group)宣布签署谅解备忘录,双方将在法国成立一家生产电池盒的合资公司。该合资公司将位于雷诺ElectriCity的Ruitz工厂,并将为ElectriCity的Douai和Maubeuge工厂提供产品。

The battery casing, a set of extruded aluminium parts assembled by friction welding in which the battery modules are housed, is a strategic component of the high-tech electric vehicle and contributes to the vehicle's durability and safety. The joint venture will install two new production lines in Ruitz in 2023 with a capacity of 300 000 battery casings per year by 2025, for electric models, including the future R5.
Bringing together the complementary strengths of each Group, this joint venture will draw on the pioneering experience of Renault Group in the production of electric vehicles, the technical skills of Ruitz's teams and its knowledge of the ecosystem in France, as well as Minth Group's recognized know-how of battery casings. This joint venture will support the strong growth of the electric vehicle market and the development of Renault ElectriCity industrial cluster, which aims to reach an annual output of 480,000 electric vehicles by 2025 from factories in the north of France.
Jose-Vicente de los Mozos, EVP Industry, Renault Group said: "This new strategic partnership with Minth Group, alongside with our partnership with Envision AESC to set up a gigafactory in Douai to manufacture of latest technology, cost-competitive, low-carbon batteries allows Renault Group to position itself as a leading player in the entire value chain of electric vehicles. By integrating this new high-tech activity of battery casing assembly in Ruitz, this joint venture is perfectly in line with the group's strategy to create a best-in-class ecosystem as close as possible to our production sites. This strategy will help Renault Group become a more competitive and efficient EV player, accelerate its industrial transformation, and reach its ecological transition targets. And in the meantime, we thus reaffirm our willingness to produce popular, affordable, and cost-effective electric cars in France.
雷诺集团工业执行副总裁Jose-Vicente de los Mozos表示:“通过与敏实集团Minth Group合作,我们将在Douai建立一个超级工厂,生产最新技术、具有成本竞争力、低碳的电池,从而使雷诺集团在整个电动汽车价值链中占据领导地位。该合资公司在Ruitz工厂生产高科技的电池盒总成,与雷诺产业链本地化原则打造一流生态系统的战略完美匹配。该战略将帮助雷诺集团成为更具竞争力和效率更高的电动汽车制造商,加速产业转型并实现生态转型目标。同时,再次重申我们的意愿:在法国生产受欢迎的、价格亲民且具有成本效益的电动汽车。”
Dr Jimmy Wong, Managing Director of Minth Europe, said: "We are thankful for the support from Renault Group over the past years and successful battery casing programs. With the rapid growth of business, the joint venture company will bring this activity to France, achieving carbon emission reduction, benefits for the local economy, and Minths own global expansion.
敏实欧洲(Minth Europe)董事总经理Jimmy Wong博士表示:“感谢雷诺集团在过去几年的支持,双方成功地合作了电池盒项目。随着业务的快速增长,我们的合资公司将在法国生产电池盒,从而实现碳减排,并为当地带来经济效益,进一步扩大敏实在全球的布局。”


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