
Stellantis/LG电池成立合资公司NextStar Energy,生产电动车锂离子电池

Stellantis and LG Energy Solution have named their battery JV company NextStar Energy. Danies Lee has been appointed chief executive officer (CEO) of the new company, which will establish Canada’s first large-scale lithium-ion battery production plant.

Stellantis和LG能源解决方案已经将他们的电池合资公司命名为NextStar Energy。Danies Lee担任新公司的首席执行官(CEO),该公司将建立加拿大第一家大规模锂离子电池生产工厂。

Stellantis and LG Energy Solution have committed to invest more than C$5bn (US$4.1bn) to establish automotive battery operations in Windsor, Ontario, with support from the municipal, provincial and federal levels of the Canadian government. The manufacturing facility is targeted to have an annual production capacity in excess of 45 gigawatt-hours (GWh) and will create an estimated 2,500 new jobs in Windsor and the surrounding areas.

Stellantis和LG Energy Solution已承诺投资逾50亿加元(合41亿美元),在OntarioWindsor建立汽车电池业务,并得到了加拿大市、省和联邦政府的支持。该工厂的目标年产能将超过45千兆瓦时(GWh),并将在Windsor及周边地区创造约2500个新就业岗位。

“I am extremely humbled by this appointment and look forward to putting in place the senior leadership team of NextStar Energy who will help me achieve our vision of producing leading-edge lithium-ion battery cells and modules to meet a significant portion of Stellantis’s vehicle production requirements in North America,” said Lee, CEO NextStar Energy.

NextStar Energy首席执行官Lee表示:“我对这次任命深感荣幸,并期待NextStar Energy的领导团队能够实现生产领先的锂离子电池和模块的愿景,以满足Stellantis在北美的大部分汽车生产需求。”


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